
The Fitness Challenge Event

The Fitness Challenge was started in 2020 in response to the issue around Covid where people were staying home more and becoming less active. The event was developed as a Fundraiser for the Foundation, but we were more interested in giving people a reason to get more active. The event was a huge success with us raising an amazing $8,437 by 30 groups that ran, walked, biked and paddle a total of 33,386 km. The feedback was extremely positive so we decided to try this again in 2021.

The theme this year is "Soar with the Swans". Participants report how many kms they travel each week, by walking, cycling, swimming or running.Swans migrate up to around 1000km each migration, and every time we hit another 1000 kms in the group challenge, we will add a swan, to see how large we can build our flock. There will be weekly basket draws again, for everyone that reports their kms the previous week. Registration forms can be found here, or picked up at Earthen Ware.