Why Donate?
Vanderhoof and area is home and you want to give back to your community for all it has provided you over the years.
Community Investment
You want to see this area grow, not just in size, but in programs and services that will attract new residents and ensure that those here choose to stay.
Support Locally
You want to support an organization that is home grown with little to no overhead, ensuring that your donation stays working in your community in perpetuity.
Create a Legacy
You want your children and grandchildren to be proud of the community you have helped build.
Honour Another
You want to honour a loved one to recognize them for all they have done for you and your community.
Set an Example
You represent a business or organization that has benefited from our community and want to leave a legacy that will keep on giving even after you are gone.
Tax Receipts
All donations over $20 are eligible to receive an official "donation tax receipt."
Endowment Fund
Our volunteer and local Board of Directors contracts with the Prince George Community Foundation (registered charity) to invest our donations through highly skilled professionals ensuring the best returns and lowest risk options to ensure the long term stability of our fund. Only the income from donations that are invested are granted so your donations will leave a lasting legacy.